In its 8ª edition, CODAIP has as thematic COPYRIGHT AND TEHNOLOGICAL INCLUSION: Movements toward democratic society of knowledge. Due to this, we organized the conference in two laboratories:
Laboratory of Copyright and Production of Didactic Materials
GEDAI – Group of Studies of Authorial and Industrial Rights
Copyright Laboratories
In its 8ª edition, CODAIP has as thematic COPYRIGHT AND TEHNOLOGICAL INCLUSION: Movements toward democratic society of knowledge. Due to this, we organized the conference in two laboratories:
Laboratory of Copyright and Production of Didactic Materials
GEDAI – Group of Studies of Authorial and Industrial Rights
Capacitation for publishing
Marcos Wachowicz / Amanda Madureira / Rodrigo Otávio Cruz e Silva / Liz Sass / Rodrigo Vieira Costa / Guilherme Coutinho / Alexandre Pesserl / Christiano Lacorte / Rangel Trindade / Heloisa Medeiros / Francisco V. N. da Silva / Victor Kist / Laura Rotunno / Antonio Gouveia / Ruy Barros / Thiago Ruis / Danielle Annoni / Pedro de Perdigão Lana /Manuela Gomes Magalhães Biancamano / Fabiano Barreto
Laboratory’s goal: Contribute for improvement of professionals that produce didactic material, giving them a wide view of Copyright involved in process of elaboration and development of the contents, providing theoretical basis and practices to market performance. This laboratory will be ministered by academics and professionals in partnership with Culture Ministry.
Audience: Gratuated in Letters, Pedagogues, Teachers graduated on Mastership, professionals graduated on Edition and Publishing and other professionals graduated on diverse areas that study or desire to act in publishers on development of didactic material.
Place: Laboratory will take place at Sala da Memoria, UFPR – Praça Santos Andrade, 2 PM to 3 PM on October 27.
Laboratory of Copyright and Creative Economy
GEDAI – Group of Studies in Authorial and Industrial Rights
Capacitation for Cultural Market
Marcos Wachowicz / Amanda Madureira / Rodrigo Otávio Cruz e Silva / Liz Sass / Rodrigo Vieira Costa / Guilherme Coutinho / Alexandre Pesserl / Christiano Lacorte / Rangel Trindade / Heloisa Medeiros / Francisco V. N. da Silva / Victor Kist / Laura Rotunno / Antonio Gouveia / Ruy Barros / Thiago Ruis / Danielle Annoni / Pedro de Perdigão Lana /Manuela Gomes Magalhães Biancamano / Fabiano Barreto
Laboratory’s goal: Contribute for improvement of public managers, giving them a wide view of Copyright involved in creation, production, diffusion and distribution of activities processes, as cultural goods and services and the access to them, potentiating public policies in cultural sector seeking development and solutions shared with society. This laboratory will be ministered by academics and professionals in partnership with Culture Ministry.
Audience: Professionals of Law, Economics, Digital Communication, Cultural Management, Audiovisual Realization , Music Production, Journalism among others; people bound to research and development of arts and culture and community in general.
Place: Laboratory will take place at Sala da Memoria, UFPR – Praça Santos Andrade, 2 PM to 3 PM on October 28.
METODOLOGY – free event
· Laboratories will be ministered by academics and professionals in partnership with Culture Ministry.
· Presentations and debates in laboratories will be recorded.
· Will be produced by the end of CODAIP the publication of all produced material in digital and printed media, as availability by Internet of pictures capturated, on .