VIII Conference of Copyright and Public Interest (VIII CODAIP)
Thematic axis
Movements toward democratic society of knowledge
VIII Conference of Copyright and Public Interest (VIII CODAIP)
Thematic axis
Movements toward democratic society of knowledge
Lecture’s format: quantity of speakers defined by total tié of the lecture. Each speaker will have 25 minutes to exposition. Remain time will be used for asking and debate.
7h30 – Accreditation
8h30 – Opening Ceremony
– Prof. Dr. Zaki Akel Sobrinho / Magnífico Reitor da Univ. Federal do Paraná – UFPR
– Minister Dra. Marta Suplicy – MinC / Ministério da Cultura
– Secretário Dr. Paulino Viapiana – Seec / Secretária da Cultura do Paraná
– Presidente Dr. Marcos Cordiolli – FCC / Fundação Cultural de Curitiba
– Dr. Juliano José Breda / Pres. da Ordem dos Advogados do Paraná – OABPR
– Dr. Eduardo A. Marques Virmond / Pres. do Instituto dos Advogados do Paraná
– Prof. Dr. Edilson S. Silveira / Pró-Reitor de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação (PRPPG/UFPR)
– Prof. Dr. Ricardo M Fonseca / Dir. do Centro de Ciências Jurídicas CCJ- UFPR
– Prof. Dr. Luis Fernando L. Pereira / Coord. da Pós-graduação em Direito – PPGD – UFPR
Scientific coordinators of the Conference:
– Prof. Dr. Marcos Wachowicz– UFPR
– Profa. Dra. Marcia Carla Pereira Ribeiro– UFPR
– Prof. Dr. Sérgio Staut Júnior– UFPR
– Prof. Dr. José Augusto Fontoura Costa– USP
9h00 Opening:
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Marcelo Fonseca – UFPR
Prof. Dr. José de Oliveira Ascensão – Professor of Univ. Clássica de Lisboa – UL/Portugal
10:15 Break
10:30 Lecture I:
Regulator Entity / Holders associations / New technologies
In Brazil, the implementation of Act n. 12.853/2013 – that modified Collective Management of Copyright – is causing discussions about the management of economic interests of authors, specially the theme of collection and distribution of Copyright by actuation of ECAD (Central of Collection and Distribution) and the organization of Musical Collective Management Associations.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Luis Fernando Lopes Pereira – UFPR
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Lemos – ITS/Brazil
Speaker – Prof. Dr. José Alberto Vieira– Apdi/Portugal
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Victor Drummond– ILDC/Brazil
Speaker – Prof. Dr. José Carlos Costa Netto – ABDA/Brazil
12:00 Lunch
14:00 – CASE 1
Case Study:
Digital Cultural Production VS Shared Cultural Production
Legal arrangements to digital production, to shared production and to sustain common properties. Development of a creative culture proper of digital ambience cannot occur without planning. Creative transformations which conceive innovation (cultural and productive) from digital technologies must be promoted by governors in a way that benefits all the society. This debate goes necessarily through LDA’s reform.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Staut Jr – UFPR/Brazil
Exhibitor : Dr. Corinto Meffe – SLTI/Ministério do Planejanmento
Speakers :
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Branco – IBMEC/Brazil
Prof. Dr. Guilherme Carboni – Gedai/Brazil
Prof. Dr. Pedro Mizukami – FGV/Brazil
Prof. Dr. Messias Guimarães Bandeira– IHAC/UFBA/Brazil
Digital Collections / Creative Transformation / Software
Creative innovation comes from the relation between individual and social, cultural and productive environment which he’s inside. The complexity of his experience is the substrate for a construction of a culture that projects cultural diversity and stimulates new creativities.
Development of a creative culture proper of digital ambience cannot occur without planning. Creative transformations which conceive inovation (cultural and productive) from digital technologies must be promoted by governors in a way that benefits all the society. This debate goes necessarily through LDA’s reform.
Protection of intelectual property of software technology is into a new global debate that goes through the concept about what opened patterns are. This subject has been discussed a lot, with diverse groups, entities and governs proposing their own definitions.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Marcia Carla Pereira Ribeiro – UFPR
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Cláudio Lins de Vasconcelos–Ibmec/Brazil
Speaker – Profa. Dra.Karin Grau-Kuntz – ibpi/Germany
Speaker – Profa. Dra. Viviana Diroli – FLACSO/Argentina
Speaker – Prof. Dr. João Paulo Remédio Marques – Univ.Coimbra/Portugal
17h00 Break
Legal Regime/ Cultural Policies/ Development
The promotion of creativity depends on freedom to access, on abundance and cultural diversity. To limit the access to culture generates cultural poverty and creates a nefarious logic which only enriches the “holders” of culture. That’s why unwise seeking for profit in exploration of cultural goods tends to combat the liberty, to limit diversity, to distort individual rights, to suppress public interest, to impose patterns and contents to consumption that redounds on cultural and creative poverty. From that perspective, justifies in the debate of LDA’s reform the importance of thinking about creativity as an element of transformation and source of wealth and socioeconomical development into the conception that stimulation to creativity takes form when individuals have an access to an ambient of opening, abundance and cultural diversity. Thus, only starting from a multicultural opening ambience continuously fed by new knowledge, it is possible to emerge a fruitful social network to creativity and development.
Moderator: Profa. Dra. Carla Eugenia Caldas de Barros – UFS
Speaker – Prof. Dr. José Miguel Onaindia– FLACSO/Argentina
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Allan Rocha – UFRJ
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Eduardo Pimenta – USP
Speaker – Dr. Prof. Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza – ITS Rio
19h00 Finishing of First Day’s lectures and invite to activities at Salão Nobre/UFPR.
19h30 – Auditorium – Salão Nobre/ UFPR
Group of Studies of Authorial and Industrial Rights – GEDAI
Oficina de Direitos Autorais e Inclusão Tecnológica
Movements toward democratic society of knowledge
Ruy Barros / Vitor Kist / Antonio Gouvea / Guilherme Coutinho / Alexandre Pesserl / Christiano Lacorte / Rangel Trindade / Heloisa Medeiros / Amanda Madureira / Rodrigo O. Cruz e Silva / Liz Sass / Francisco Viegas Neves da Silva / Rodrigo Vieira / Manoela Magalhães / Fabiano Barreto / Rodrigo Vieira
20h30 – Cultural Activities
Book launch and Presentation:
movies / music / cultural activities
SECOND DAY: October 28 – Tuesday
New instruments of development and social inclusion
Videos containing the edition of presentations of researchers which attended to the call for articles and had their works selected for publication in Groups of Labor of Copyright and Cultural Rights.
The recorded material will be permanent divulgated in the site of event, as also in information totens disponibilized to participants during the Conference.
Legal Regime/Tendences/Development
In 2014 international scenery of Legal Regime of Intellectual Property has gone through large and intense debates, revealing new tendencies related to polemic questions which refers to American and European normative projects. The custody to intellectual property operates in Internal and International Law, in order to protect the creation. At a first moment, the creator would be protected according to their State’s Law. At second, by international or communitarian normative that regulated intellectual property. With no doubt, one of the most important questions is creation, distribution and using of intellectual property into globalized world and connected by the Internet. The custody of new immaterial goods into Informational Society and its international treatment needs a reflection about which legal custody is adequate to literary, scientific and artistic (copyright) property into this new technological reality.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Staut Júnior – UFPR-Brazil
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Sean Flynn – USA
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Carlos Correa – UBA/Argentina
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Dário Moura Vicente – Portugal
Speaker – Profa. Dra. Valentina Delich – FLACSO/Argentina
10h15 Break
Economical Interests/ Public /Private
New Technologies of Information and Communication brought changes in the way of production and distribution of intellectual goods. Increasingly, it presentates as necessary the Review of Brazilian Copyright Act because it reveals an imbalance between the sense of public and private. Questions related to creators economical interests involved, new forms of creation and distribution, of sharing by Internet and innovation are threatened by a restrictive Copyright legislation. Recent manifestations from Civil Society point to the need of progress to modernize legislation, to be routed to National Congress a Project of Reform, willing to reach a better balance between public and private interests related to legislative reform.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo M. Hapner – UFPR
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Denis Borges Barbosa – IBDI/Brazil
Speaker – Profa. Dra. Eliane Y. Abrão – Brazil
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Bruno Lewicki – Brazil
Speaker – Profa. Dra. Silmara Chinelato – USP/Brazil
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Pedro Paranaguá – Câm.Deputados/Brazil
12h00 Lunch
14h00 – CASE 2
Case Study:
Scientific Journals and Copyright vs Exclusivity, Distribution e Access
New Technologies of publishing, processing and electronic publication of books, articles and journals have been putting in doubt the continuity of the model of divulgation and diffusion of scientific thought. Publishing houses as service providers of publishing and distribution are losing their sense as these activities can be realized by own Universities and scientific societies, which are the main productors and consumers of scientific works. The same researchers that needs articles are the ones who write them and evalue, usually paid by the own Institution that they realize their projects. In that way, it is important to comprehend the social and the politic places, as the economical and administrative sense of current model, to elaborate consistent strategies to new challenges of academic production and diffusion.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Jorge Renato Reis – UNISC
Exhibitor: Prof. Dr. José Augusto Fontoura Costa – USP
Prof.Dr. Sueli Mara Soares Pinto Ferreira – USP
Prof.Dr. Marcelo Dias Varella – UniCeub
Diretor Rodrigo Oliveira Salgado– Thomson Reuters do Brasil
Prof. Dr. Gonzaga Adolfo – UNISC
15h00 Lecture VI: (Theme) – COPYRIGHT AND PLAGIARISM
Literary and Academic / Media and Culture / Architectural
Discussion about plagiarism is necessarily a question about the authorship of intellectual work. New Technologies of Information brought new ways of expression, which brought new forms of creation in all sectors of contemporary society. Dimensions of plagiarism are different giving rise to a reflection and an interdisciplinary debate about plagiarism in literature, in universities, in new cultural medias and in architecture. The legal forms and ethical procedures which involve this issue should be delimitated, so the capacity to curb, recognize and blame the author of plagiarism is preserved.
Moderator: Prof. Msc. Leonardo Gonçalves Tessler– UP
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Eduardo Lycurgo – UFF
Speaker – Prof. Dr. Marcelo Krokoscz– Brazil
Speaker – Arq. Roberto Simon– CAU/Brazil
Speaker – Arq. Fernando Raposo– SRU/Portugal
17h00 Break
Freedom of expression/ Neutrality / Free contents
Discussions about “Marco Civil” and Copyright are central elements to a new paradigm of digital culture, to a normative construction that promotes technological inclusion and social participation. Questions about: custody of Copyright on Internet and expansion of users rights; diffusion of intellectual works (e-books) on network and consumers defense; definition of guiding principles of Internet, as freedom of expression and neutrality of web, are still waiting for a regulation of criteria that will be adopted, which ones that should also be analized under Copyright view.
Moderator: Profa. Dra. Vera Karam de Chueiri– UFPR
Speaker – Dr. Prof. Antonio Carlos Morato – USP
Speaker – Dr. Prof. Sérgio Amadeu – UFABC
Speaker – Dr. Prof. Omar Kaminski
Speaker – Dr. Prof. Guilherme Varella – SMC/SP
Speaker – Dr. Prof. Guilherme Magalhães Martins – UERJ
– Prof. Dr. Ricardo M Fonseca / Dir. do Centro de Ciências Jurídicas CCJ- UFPR
– Prof. Dr. Luis Fernando L. Pereira / Coord. da Pós-graduação em Direito – PPGD – UFPR
– Prof. Dr. Marcos Wachowicz– UFPR
– Profa. Dra. Marcia Carla Pereira Ribeiro– UFPR
– Prof. Dr. Sérgio Staut Júnior– UFPR
– Prof. Dr. José Augusto Fontoura Costa– USP
During the two days of the event will be concomitant presentation of selected articles. The presentations will occur at two auditoriums inside UFPR: Salão Nobre e Sala da Memória.
By the end of the event annals will be produced with articles and works presented in lectures.
Will be produced by the end of lectures:
The moderator shall present a report of occured debates with the conclusions finished in each lecture, to be included on the Annals;
Publication of all produced material printed and in digital media;
Availability by Internet of pictures capturated on lectures.