WORKSHOP ITM & GEDAI – Programação Completa
“NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND LAW – challenges to the current regularory models”
January 16th – 19th, 2019
University of Münster
The Institute for Information, Telecommunication and Media Law (ITM) from the Universität Münster (Germany) and the Study Group on Copyright and Industrial Rights (GEDAI) from the Federal University of Paraná (Brazil) are holding the WORKSHOP ITM & GEDAI between the 16th and the 19th of January, 2019. The event will count on the presence of researchers from both groups discussing the topic “New technologies and law – challenges to the current regularory models”.
In the context of rapid and growing development of new information and communication technologies, society and the digital economy present increasingly new and more complex challenges to the current legal, and regulatory models in general. Such challenges are dominant in the developed societies of western countries and defy old paradigms that still insist on dominating in times of transformation and paradigmatic transition, thus making the protection of the most varied human and fundamental rights vulnerable.
Challenges and innovations are brought to the attention of international organizations such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, as well as trade blocks such as the European Union, who have sought to follow the transformation of this new paradigm and propose alternatives to deal with the new framework.
The society and the digital economy, based on data, algorithms and codes (both open and closed) place intellectual property as an issue that will permeate the various areas of study, relating in different ways with different types of rights.
Within this context, the Workshop was conceived as a democratic environment for the exchange of knowledge among the researchers of the study groups involved, presenting itself as a proposal to contribute to the debates related to the new model of society and economy.
It ought to be a space that is open to new ideas and debates on the proposed themes, in which researchers can share and be presented to different lines of thought.
The objective of the Workshop will be to study the Information Society while perceiving the evolution of the new Technologies and their impacts on the Legal System, mainly in relation to the intellectual property rights, in order to:
- study the Information Society and its new disruptive technologies, such as the innovation coming from blockchain technology and the Internet of Things;
- analyze the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which protects people by establishing the adequate ways of handling personal data as a fundamental right compared to the Brazilian legislation;
- analyze the international system for the protection of Intellectual Property rights and compare the legal systems of Germany, Brazil and the United States;
- reflect on the regulation of intellectual property rights in the face of the challenges to the Information Society and the digital economy as to its impacts on the protection of other fundamental rights;
- evaluate the consequences of the current technological revolution and the advent of digital culture on the regulation of intellectual rights; and
- examine the regulatory challenges in Digital Society and Economy in the face of algorithmic behavior.
The Workshop will be held in English and is structured in three (3) thematic axes:
Wednesday – 16th
10am – Rector Magnificus Johannes Wessels – Rector of WWU
10.10am – Prof. Dr. Bernd Hellingrad – WWU/Dept. for Information Systems & Brazil Centre
10.20am – Prof. Dr. Nikolas Guggenberger – Institute for Information, Telecommunication and Media Law – ITM
10.30am – Prof. Dr. Marcos Wachowicz – Study Group on Copyright and Industrial Rights – GEDAI
10.40am – Prof. Dr. José Eduardo Cardoso – Regulation of the Internet in Brazil
12.30pm – Lunch
2pm – guided visit to the ITM
2.30pm – Prof. Dr. Marcia Carla Pereira Ribeiro – Blockchain technology and the economic institutions of capitalism
3.30pm – Prof. Dr. Ana Beatriz Rebello Presgrave – Control of constitutionality and State responsibility
4.30pm – Thematic Workshop – NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND THE CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES: Consumer Rights, Data Protection, Privacy Rights and Right to Oblivion.
Thematic workshops are spaces for research project debates available to all ITM and GEDAI researchers, seeking to improve common research lines for future joint publications.
Workshop Coordinator – Henning Brockmeyer – ITM
7pm – Dinner
Thursday 17th
10am – Prof. Dr. Victor Drummond – Copyright and cultural diversity in the information society
11.30am – Prof. Dr. Marcos Wachowicz – Copyright and Public Domain of Information
12.30pm – Lunch
2pm – guided visit to the Rector’s building
4pm – guided visit to the Law Institute
4.30pm – Thematic Workshop – LAW AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES: Frontiers of Public and Private Law in the Informational Society
Thematic workshops are spaces for research project debates common to all ITM and GEDAI researchers, seeking to improve common research lines for future joint publications.
Workshop Coordinator – Prof. Dr. Barbara Kolany-Raiser – ITM
19h – Dinner
Friday 18th
10am – Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Vieira Costa – Civil Rights Based Framework for Internet of Brazil and Civil Liability of Internet Providers for Online Copyright Infringement
11.30am – Prof. Dr. Danielle Anne Pamplona – – The guarantee of Human Rights in the face of information technology companies and the Big Data Through the use of Decentralized Technologies such as Blockchain
12.30pm – Lunch
2pm – guided visit to the Brazilian Center – Münster University
2.30pm – Prof. Dr. Guilherme Coutinho – Collective Management of Copyright and streaming: a Brazilian perspective
3.30pm – coffee break
4.30pm – Thematic Workshop – NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND INTELLECTUAL LAW MANAGEMENT: Models of rights, contracts, and arbitration management
Thematic workshops are spaces for research project debates common to all ITM and GEDAI researchers, seeking to improve common research lines for future joint publications.
Workshop Coordinator – Lukas Willecke – ITM
Saturday 19th
10am – guided visit to the Historical Center
Prefecture of Münster – 30 year war Peace treaty room (1618-1648)
History Museum of the city of Münster
Cathedral of Münster / Central Market
St. Lamberti Church of Münster
12.30pm – catering closure
12.40pm – Prof. Dr. Anja Grecko – Brazil Centre of WWU
12.50pm – Prof. Dr. Nikolas Guggenberger – ITM
3pm – Prof. Dr. Marcos Wachowicz –GEDAI
The pieces of research presented in the WORKSHOP will be previously made available so that all participants are given the opportunity to contribute to the debate, thus aiming to improve each piece of research and to collect contributions for the publications in papers.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren
Prof. Dr. Nikolas Guggenberger
Prof. Dr. Marcos Wachowicz
more informations:
- Prof. Dr. Marcos Wachowicz – Apresentetion methodology workshop – power point link:
DATA_Apresentação workshop – revisada
- Prof. Dr. Marcos Wachowicz – Copyright and Public Domain of Information – power point link:
- Profa. Dra. Danielle Anne Pamplona – blockchain– power point link:
- LL.M Student at WWU, Brazilian Amanda Prota – Brief overview on Data Protection in Europe and in Brazil – power point link:
- Profa. Dra. Marcia Carla Pereira Ribeiro – Blockchain Technology and teh Economic Intitucion of Capitalism– power point link:
- Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Vieira – Civil Rights Based Framework for Internet of Brazil – power point link:
- Prof. Dr. José Eduardo Cardozo -Internet Regulation In Brazil – power point link:
- Prof. Dr. Guilherme Coutinho -Collective Management
of Copyright and streaming –power point link:
data_ITM presentation_Guilherme Coutinho